구글드라이브 트래픽으로 다운 불가시 아래 사이트를 이용해서 트래픽 해제후 다운받아주세요. gdbypass.host/
Google Drive limit bypass & copy Tool
We are trying our best to make our service free for all and also ads-free, and while we like the way we do this for now we are faced with huge bandwidth usages used in mirroring the limited files through our servers You can help us servive and help us add
Google Drive File Limit Bypass Tool
We help users to get access to Google Drive limited File Links which blocked due to bandwidth download limit :)
Anonymous Archive.org, OneDrive & Dropebox Encryptor & downloader
File size must be equal or less than 50GB, Our max limits per each single file is 50GB
Click me for Drive to Drive Copy
Acceptable links format!
Google Drive file or folder Links (10 links max):
Remove my limit!
Clear all
This tool will only work for files that you UPLOAD to Google Drive and uses the following permissions to share: "Public on the web" or "Anyone with the link".
This tool will not work for Google Documents (Documents, Spreadsheets, Presentations, etc.) that created inside Google Drive. If you want to create a direct link for Google Documents (Documents, Spreadsheets, Presentations, etc.) that created inside Google Drive, first download them to your computer then upload that file back on to Google Drive.
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