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APK 파일 만들고 다운로드 하기 https://apps.evozi.com/

by 볕날선생 2020. 10. 29.



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APK Downloader [Latest] Download Directly | October 2020 | (Evozi Official)

Have you ever wanted to get your hands on the latest game, only to find that the Google Play thought it wasn't compatible with your phone? Maybe you don't have a snapdragon device, but youre're pretty sure an old device could handle it still. Or the app is


Package name or Google Play URL

🔗 Play Store

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Have you ever wanted to get your hands on the latest game, only to find that the Google Play thought it wasn't compatible with your phone?
Maybe you don't have a snapdragon device, but youre're pretty sure an old device could handle it still. Or the app is not available in your country?

Until now you've been stuck, but a new online service called APK Downloader will allow you to download an apk file from the Google Play directly to your desktop and your device.


Online APK Downloader FAQ

How does this Online APK Downloader work?

It works behind the scene 24/7 to fetch your apps that you want to download

Is the file that I downloaded same as in Google Play?

Yes, Please do a hash file or developer certificate check if you have doubts

Can I download paid apps?

To prevent piracy, you are not allowed to download paid apps

How many new APKs can Evozi generate per day?

Currently we are able to generate around 1000+- apk files per day. Our account quota will normally run out quickly

Can I download my apps using HTTPS?

Yes, all request will be made in secure connection (https)

Why choose us?

Evozi fetch your apk file directly without 3rd party sources or manual user upload. (Secure & Easy)

I want to know more!

APK files will be cached on our server and will be deleted if there is no download in the last 30 days. If you found the APK is an old version, please let us know


APK files request

Post the package ID/name in the comment box below if you like to request us to update or fetch the app. (We will try our best to grab the APK for you)
